UVa 12372 - Packing for Holiday (just check if all L, W, H ≤ 20) 14. UVa 12403 - Save Setu (straightforward) 15. UVa 12577 - Hajj-e-Akbar (straightforward) Easy (just ‘a bit’ harder than the ‘Super Easy’ ones) 1. UVa 00621 - Secret Research (case analysis for only 4 possible outputs) 2. UVa 10114 - Loansome Car Buyer. (just simulate. The West Virginia Development Office, Community Development Division is the Single Point of Contact for the State of West Virginia. The provisions of Executive Order 12372 of July 14, 1982, appear at 47 FR 30959, 3 CFR, 1982 Comp., p. 197, unless otherwise noted. The White House Office of Management and Budget maintains the official. Packing for Holiday UVA - 12372. National Archives and Records Administration Federal Register Executive Order 12372-Intergovernmental review of Federal programs Source:The provisions of Executive Order 12372 of July 14, 1982, appear at 47 FR 30959, 3 CFR, 1982 Comp., p. 197, unless otherwise noted.

Uva 12372 Solve
- Super Easy Problems in the UVa Online Judge (solvable in under 7 minutes)
- 1. UVa 00272 - TEX Quotes (replace all double quotes to TEX() style quotes)
- 2. UVa 01124 - Celebrity Jeopardy (LA 2681, just echo/re-print the input again)
- 3. UVa 10550 - Combination Lock (simple, do as asked)
- 4. UVa 11044 - Searching for Nessy (one liner code/formula exists)
- 5. UVa 11172 - Relational Operators * (ad hoc, very easy, one liner)
- 6. UVa 11364 - Parking (linear scan to get l & r, answer = 2 ∗ (r − l))
- 7. UVa 11498 - Division of Nlogonia * (just use if-else statements)
- 8. UVa 11547 - Automatic Answer (a one liner O(1) solution exists)
- 9. UVa 11727 - Cost Cutting * (sort the 3 numbers and get the median)
- 10. UVa 12250 - Language Detection (LA 4995, KualaLumpur10, if-else check)
- 11. UVa 12279 - Emoogle Balance (simple linear scan)
- 12. UVa 12289 - One-Two-Three (just use if-else statements)
- 13. UVa 12372 - Packing for Holiday (just check if all L, W, H ≤ 20)
- 15. UVa 12577 - Hajj-e-Akbar (straightforward)
- Easy (just ‘a bit’ harder than the ‘Super Easy’ ones)
- 1. UVa 00621 - Secret Research (case analysis for only 4 possible outputs)
- 2. UVa 10114 - Loansome Car Buyer * (just simulate the process)
- 3. UVa 10300 - Ecological Premium (ignore the number of animals)
- 4. UVa 10963 - The Swallowing Ground (for two blocks to be mergable, the
- 5. UVa 11332 - Summing Digits (simple recursions)
- 6. UVa 11559 - Event Planning * (one linear pass)
- 7. UVa 11679 - Sub-prime (check if after simulation all banks have ≥ 0 reserve)
- 8. UVa 11764 - Jumping Mario (one linear scan to count high+low jumps)
- 9. UVa 11799 - Horror Dash * (one linear scan to find the max value)
- 10. UVa 11942 - Lumberjack Sequencing (check if input is sorted asc/descending)
- 11. UVa 12015 - Google is Feeling Lucky (traverse the list twice)
- 12. UVa 12157 - Tariff Plan (LA 4405, KualaLumpur08, compute and compare)
- 13. UVa 12468 - Zapping (easy; there are only 4 possibilities)
- 14. UVa 12503 - Robot Instructions (easy simulation)
- 16. IOI 2010 - Cluedo (use 3 pointers)
- Medium: One Notch Above Easy (may take 15-30 minutes, but not too hard)
- 1. UVa 00119 - Greedy Gift Givers (simulate give and receive process)
- 2. UVa 00573 - The Snail * (simulation, beware of boundary cases!)
- 4. UVa 10141 - Request for Proposal * (solvable with one linear scan)
- 5. UVa 10324 - Zeros and Ones (simplify using 1D array: change counter)
- 6. UVa 10424 - Love Calculator (just do as asked)
- 7. UVa 10919 - Prerequisites? (process the requirements as the input is read)
- 8. UVa 11507 - Bender B. Rodriguez ... * (simulation, if-else)
- 9. UVa 11586 - Train Tracks (TLE if brute force, find the pattern)
- 11. UVa 11683 - Laser Sculpture (one linear pass is enough)
- 12. UVa 11687 - Digits (simulation; straightforward)
- 13. UVa 11956 - Brain**** (simulation; ignore ‘.’)
- 14. UVa 12478 - Hardest Problem ... (try one of the eight names)
- 16. IOI 2009 - POI (sort)
- Game (Card)
- 1. UVa 00162 - Beggar My Neighbour (card game simulation; straightforward)
- 2. UVa 00462 - Bridge Hand Evaluator * (simulation; card)
- 4. UVa 10205 - Stack ’em Up (card game)
- 6. UVa 10646 - What is the Card? * (shuffle cards with some rule and
- 7. UVa 11225 - Tarot scores (another card game)
- 8. UVa 11678 - Card’s Exchange (actually just an array manipulation problem)
- 9. UVa 12247 - Jollo * (interesting card game; simple, but requires good
- 1. UVa 00255 - Correct Move (check the validity of chess moves)
- 2. UVa 00278 - Chess * (ad hoc, chess, closed form formula exists)
- 3. UVa 00696 - How Many Knights * (ad hoc, chess)
- 4. UVa 10196 - Check The Check (ad hoc chess game, tedious)
- 5. UVa 10284 - Chessboard in FEN * (FEN = Forsyth-Edwards Notation
- is a standard notation for describing board positions in a chess game)
- 7. UVa 11494 - Queen (ad hoc, chess)
- • Game (Others), Easier
- 1. UVa 00340 - Master-Mind Hints (determine strong and weak matches)
- 2. UVa 00489 - Hangman Judge * (just do as asked)
- 3. UVa 00947 - Master Mind Helper (similar to UVa 340)
- 4. UVa 10189 - Minesweeper * (simulate Minesweeper, similar to UVa 10279)
- 5. UVa 10279 - Mine Sweeper (a 2D array helps, similar to UVa 10189)
- 6. UVa 10409 - Die Game (just simulate the die movement)
- 7. UVa 10530 - Guessing Game (use a 1D flag array)
- 8. UVa 11459 - Snakes and Ladders * (simulate it, similar to UVa 647)
- 9. UVa 12239 - Bingo (try all 902 pairs, see if all numbers in [0..N] are there)
- Game (Others), Harder (more tedious)
- 1. UVa 00114 - Simulation Wizardry (simulation of pinball machine)
- 2. UVa 00141 - The Spot Game (simulation, pattern check)
- 3. UVa 00220 - Othello (follow the game rules, a bit tedious)
- 4. UVa 00227 - Puzzle (parse the input, array manipulation)
- 5. UVa 00232 - Crossword Answers (complex array manipulation problem)
- 6. UVa 00339 - SameGame Simulation (follow problem description)
- 8. UVa 00584 - Bowling * (simulation, games, reading comprehension)
- 9. UVa 00647 - Chutes and Ladders (childhood board game, also see UVa 11459)
- 10. UVa 10363 - Tic Tac Toe (check validity of Tic Tac Toe game, tricky)
- 11. UVa 10443 - Rock, Scissors, Paper * (2D arrays manipulation)
- 12. UVa 10813 - Traditional BINGO * (follow the problem description)
- 13. UVa 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors ... (count win+losses, output win average)
- Palindrome
- 1. UVa 00353 - Pesky Palindromes (brute force all substring)
- 2. UVa 00401 - Palindromes * (simple palindrome check)
- 3. UVa 10018 - Reverse and Add (ad hoc, math, palindrome check)
- 5. UVa 11221 - Magic Square Palindrome * (we deal with a matrix)
- 1. UVa 00148 - Anagram Checker (uses backtracking)
- 2. UVa 00156 - Ananagram * (easier with algorithm::sort)
- 3. UVa 00195 - Anagram * (easier with algorithm::next permutation)
- 5. UVa 00630 - Anagrams (II) (ad hoc, string)
- 6. UVa 00642 - Word Amalgamation (go through the given small dictionary for
- 7. UVa 10098 - Generating Fast, Sorted ... (very similar to UVa 195)
- Interesting Real Life Problems, Easier
- 1. UVa 00161 - Traffic Lights * (this is a typical situation on the road)
- 2. UVa 00187 - Transaction Processing (an accounting problem)
- 3. UVa 00362 - 18,000 Seconds Remaining (typical file download situation)
- 4. UVa 00637 - Booklet Printing * (application in printer driver software)
- 5. UVa 00857 - Quantiser (MIDI, application in computer music)
- 6. UVa 10082 - WERTYU (this typographical error happens to us sometimes)
- 7. UVa 10191 - Longest Nap (you may want to apply this to your own schedule)
- 8. UVa 10528 - Major Scales (music knowledge is in the problem description)
- 9. UVa 10554 - Calories from Fat (are you concerned with your weights?)
- 10. UVa 10812 - Beat the Spread * (be careful with boundary cases!)
- 11. UVa 11530 - SMS Typing (handphone users encounter this problem everyday)
- 12. UVa 11945 - Financial Management (a bit output formatting)
- 13. UVa 11984 - A Change in Thermal Unit (F◦ to C◦ conversion and vice versa)
- 14. UVa 12195 - Jingle Composing (count the number of correct measures)
- 15. UVa 12555 - Baby Me (one of the first question asked when a new baby is
- Interesting Real Life Problems, Harder (more tedious)
- 1. UVa 00139 - Telephone Tangles (calculate phone bill; string manipulation)
- 2. UVa 00145 - Gondwanaland Telecom (similar nature with UVa 139)
- 3. UVa 00333 - Recognizing Good ISBNs (note: this problem has ‘buggy’ test
- data with blank lines that potentially cause lots of ‘Presentation Errors’)
- 4. UVa 00346 - Getting Chorded (musical chord, major/minor)
- 5. UVa 00403 - Postscript * (emulation of printer driver, tedious)
- 6. UVa 00447 - Population Explosion (life simulation model)
- 7. UVa 00448 - OOPS (tedious ‘hexadecimal’ to ‘assembly language’ conversion)
- 8. UVa 00449 - Majoring in Scales (easier if you have a musical background)
- 9. UVa 00457 - Linear Cellular Automata (simplified ‘game of life’ simulation;
- similar idea with UVa 447; explore the Internet for that term)
- 10. UVa 00538 - Balancing Bank Accounts (the problem’s premise is quite true)
- 11. UVa 00608 - Counterfeit Dollar * (classical problem)
- 12. UVa 00706 - LC-Display (what we see in old digital display)
- 13. UVa 01061 - Consanguine Calculations * (LA 3736 - WorldFinals Tokyo07,
- consanguine = blood; this problem asks possible combinations of blood types
- and Rh factor; solvable by trying all eight possible blood + Rh types with
- the information given in the problem description)
- 14. UVa 10415 - Eb Alto Saxophone Player (about musical instruments)
- 15. UVa 10659 - Fitting Text into Slides (typical presentation programs do this)
- 16. UVa 11223 - O: dah, dah, dah (tedious morse code conversion)
- 17. UVa 11743 - Credit Check (Luhn’s algorithm to check credit card numbers;
- 18. UVa 12342 - Tax Calculator (tax computation can be tricky indeed)
- Time
- 2. UVa 00300 - Maya Calendar (ad hoc, time)
- 4. UVa 00893 - Y3K * (use Java GregorianCalendar; similar to UVa 11356)
- 5. UVa 10070 - Leap Year or Not Leap ... (more than ordinary leap years)
- 6. UVa 10339 - Watching Watches (find the formula)
- 7. UVa 10371 - Time Zones (follow the problem description)
- 8. UVa 10683 - The decadary watch (simple clock system conversion)
- 9. UVa 11219 - How old are you? (be careful with boundary cases!)
- 10. UVa 11356 - Dates (very easy if you use Java GregorianCalendar)
- 11. UVa 11650 - Mirror Clock (some mathematics required)
- 12. UVa 11677 - Alarm Clock (similar idea with UVa 11650)
- 13. UVa 11947 - Cancer or Scorpio * (easier with Java GregorianCalendar)
- 14. UVa 11958 - Coming Home (be careful with ‘past midnight’)
- 15. UVa 12019 - Doom’s Day Algorithm (Gregorian Calendar; get DAY OF WEEK)
- 16. UVa 12136 - Schedule of a Married Man (LA 4202, Dhaka08, check time)
- 17. UVa 12148 - Electricity (easy with Gregorian Calendar; use method ‘add’ to
- add one day to previous date and see if it is the same as the current date)
- 18. UVa 12439 - February 29 (inclusion-exclusion; lots of corner cases; be careful)
- 19. UVa 12531 - Hours and Minutes (angles between two clock hands)
12372 Uva Pdf