Eve Fitting Tool

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  1. Eve Fitting Tool Linux
  2. Eve Fitting Tool 2018
  3. Eve Ship Fitting Tool Online
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All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. Has granted permission to fuzzwork.co.uk to use EVE Online and all associated logos and designs for promotional and information. EvE HQ is still my favorite tool. It is the only one that updates automatically, the others you have to manually download and install each new version not saying either way is better or worse just an observation. I use PYFA almost as much as EvE HQ because I use it as a cross check for errors. Python fitting assistant, cross-platform fitting tool for EVE Online Topics. Eve-online python pyfa mmo fitting wxpython Resources. GPL-3.0 License.

Eve Fitting Tool Linux

The ingame fitting tool is a side project that does exactly what it was suppose to. It isnt meant to replace 3rd party fitting tools. Pyfa is opensource anyway, why not just optimise that solution so it has the features you want.

One of the most requested features for eve-hr is alliance support. This is an exceedingly difficult complete overhaul of the current system. It involved undoing the silo-ing of every corp. What I mean by that is right now, every corp in eve-hr cannot see other corporations information. This was by design for security and for the multi-tenant function of eve-hr. Now, with alliance functionality, we need to have the same ability for corporations to be on their own, but also be able to be a part of an alliance. So, how are we going to accomplish this? What I am going to do, is first. Change the Patreon goal of 20 Patrons to Alliance Integration. This means when we hit 20 Patrons, you will start seeing Alliance Integration segments show up in the Patron Vote. What I mean by segments is I am breaking out the coding work into small segments, which will be unusable at first but will lead to the completion of the Alliance Integration as a whole. Here are the segments.

Eve Fitting Tool
  1. Create Organizations: This will be the new security silo. What this means is, that you can add whatever corporations you want into this organization. Or it can simply be your corp by itself.
  2. Auto creation of organizations and moving all current corporation to their new organization. These means that when a corp joined eve-hr, it will auto create an org for their corp and functionality will look similar to what we have today.
  3. Ripping out old Corps Silo for new Org Silo. This will be the longest and most cringe-worthy process of this change.
  4. Organization Creation Wizard: this will allow you to create your new org and allow you to invite other corporations.
  5. User Organization Selections: One of my other ideas was to allow Corps to maintain their own corp section of eve-hr and an alliance section of eve-hr. This will work by allowing the member to switch which one they are currently viewing.

Eve Fitting Tool 2018

Other things might arise during the whole process, but this is the general overview of what will need to be done. As I really appreciate the support the project has been getting and look forward to hitting some more goals!

Eve Fitting Tool

Eve Ship Fitting Tool Online

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