- Sap Basis Job Description
- Sap System Copy
- Homogeneous System Copy In Sap Basis
- Sap Basis Administrator
- System Copy In Sap Basis Costing

SAP Basis Tutorial For Beginners. What is System Copy: To build a SAP system similar to Production data 1) Homogeneous system copy: source and target system using the same operating system and database system (using database backup/restore). Note When you execute a system copy/refresh including ABAP post-copy automation (PCA) from SAP Landscape Management, SAP Landscape Management sets the profile parameters automatically. You must not set the profile parameters manually. You only have to set the profile parameters manually if you execute PCA from the ABAP GUI.
This document describes how to perform a homogeneous system copy of an MS SQL Server database by using the backup/restore method, or the detach/attach method in an SAP environment. The SAPinst installation tool supports both methods.
The backup/restore method and the detach/attach method have the following advantages compared to the R3load/database independent method:
You can use an existing backup
The process is much faster
Pre-Copy Requirements
• An SAP ECC 6.0 system, QAS, (similar to PRD in memory and disk configuration) should be installed with a valid SAP license key. (NOTE: Be certain that both the DNS name and NetBIOS name of the server are in all CAPITALS, 8 characters or less, and contain no special characters.)
• The source system should be backed up (Full Backup) and the media should be accessible from the target system.
• Perform a backup of the original QAS system to restore to in case of difficulties.
• Anything from the target that will need to be restored (user definitions, profiles, jobs, printers, RFC destinations, etc.) after the copy must be saved out. In addition, take a snapshot of the client change settings (SCC4), system change options (SE03), workbench organizer/transport system configuration (SE06), and any other setting that will need to be restored in the target system.
• Identify which transports exist in QAS but not in PRD and remind the owners that all transports which have not moved to PRD before the copy will no longer exist in QAS. Preferably, everything should be pushed through pre-copy (including LCP and CRT imports, Hot Packs, and other SAP transports associated with notes).
• Communicate to everyone that any spool data, datasets, master data, etc. which exist only in QAS will need to be moved elsewhere, printed out, or otherwise repositioned before the copy.
• Security profiles and user lists need to be repositioned so they can be recreated post-copy.
• Any external programs affected by the move (BSI, etc.) must be dealt with post-copy.
System Copy Steps
1. Create Java Export files from the source system:
a. Logon to the source server as an administrator
b. Execute sapinst.exe from the Installation Master media
c. Go to SAP ERP 6.0 > Software Life-Cycle Options > System Copy > MS SQL Server > Source System Export > Central System > Based on AS ABAP and AS Java > Database and Central Instance and click “Next”
d. Enter PRDSYSprofile in the Profile Directory field, and click “Next”
e. Enter the Administrative Password and click “Next”
f. Select Use database specific tools and click “Next”
g. Enter the backup directory you wish to use for the java migration data in the Export Location field and click “Next”
h. Verify the information in the Parameter Summary screen and click “Next”
i. The export should take 15 to 20 minutes
j. Copy the export directory to the Target Server for later use
2. Stop the target SAP system with the SAP Management Console
3. Make a copy of all the files in the QASSYSprofile directory
4. Create a new backup of the source SAP system database
5. Restore the target SAP system database from the backup created in step 4. Depending on database size this can take several minutes or several hours.
6. Run the SAP-provided system copy tool:
a. Logon to the target server as an administrator
b. Execute sapinst.exe from the Installation Master media
c. Go to SAP ERP 6.0 > Software Life-Cycle Options > System Copy > MS SQL Server > Target System Installation > Central System > Based on AS ABAP and AS Java > Central System and click “Next”
d. Select Custom Parameter Mode and click “Next”
e. Browse to the Java Components installation media and click “Next”
f. Leave the default path for JDK Directory and click “Next”
g. Enter the target system ID (QAS) and click “Next”
h. Enter the Administrative Password in both fields and click “Next”
i. Enter the Administrative Password in both fields and click “Next”
j. Select Homogeneous System Copy and click “Next”
k. Leave the default Database Connection and click “Next”
l. Select Use Existing Database and click “Next”
m. Leave the default settings and click “Next”
n. Leave the default settings and click “Next”
o. Leave the default settings and click “Next”
p. Leave the default settings and click “Next”
q. Browse to the Migration Export copied in step 1-j and click “Next”
r. Enter J2EE_ADMIN in the Administrator User field, enter the Administrative Password in both password fields, and click “Next”
s. Leave the default settings and click “Next”
t. Enter the Administrative Password and click “Next”
u. Browse to the Kernel installation media and click “Next”
v. Verify the information in the Parameter Summary screen and click “Next”
w. Enter the Solution Manager Key and click “Next” *see appendix for generating the Solution Manager Key
x. Depending on system size, this may take several minutes or several hours
7. Stop the target SAP system using the SAP Management Console
8. Restore the files copied in step 3
9. Start the target SAP system
10. Cancel any production batch jobs:
a. Transaction SM37, enter job name, user “*”, and date range including the next day, job status “released” and click “execute”
b. Select the job, go to the Job menu and click “released->scheduled”
11. Delete Source System profiles and Import the correct SAP profiles
a. Transaction RZ10
b. Go to Utilities > Import Profiles > Of Active Servers
12. Delete Source System Licenses and install the new Licenses
a. Transaction SLICENSE, click “New Licenses”
b. Select Each license and go to Edit > Delete License
c. Click Install and enter the path to the license key file provided by SAP in the browse field and click Open
d. If you are unable to install the permanent license key, it may be necessary to truncate the SAPLIKEY table first, then repeat 12-c
13. Reinitialize in the transport domain
a. Logon to client 000
b. Transaction STMS
14. (Optional) Change the login screen to reflect the correct system information
a. Transaction SE61
b. Select general text, ZLOGIN_SCREEN_INFO, change
c. Change the text and save
15. Change the Logical System
a. Transaction SCC4
b. Click the edit button
c. Double-click client 100
d. Change the Client Role to Test, and save
e. Then change the Logical System to the appropriate name, and save
16. If you are using workflow, you will need to reinitialize it
a. Transaction SWU3
b. Execute the line items marked with a red ‘X’

17. If you are using BI, re-activate the system in RSA1 on the BI system
18. Check the BSI Tax Factory connection by executing report RPUBTCU0 from Transaction SE38. The results should show no errors. Warnings are okay.
19. Verify the Adobe Document Services connection
a. Transaction SM59
b. Edit the HTTP connection ADS
c. Go to the Logon & Security tab and enter the Administrative Password in the password field, and save
d. Transaction SE38
e. Execute program FP_TEST_00, print preview to test ADS connection
f. A simple adobe form with lines and numbers will be rendered if successful
20. Apply any necessary transports
21. Change the logical spool server to point to correct system:
a. Transaction SPAD
b. Select Display for Spool Servers
c. Double click SAP_PRINT SERVER
d. Click the change button
e. In the mapping field select the appropriate application server, and save
22. Lock/Unlock users as necessary, using Transaction SU01
23. Stop and restart the SAP system
24. Run SGEN to recompile programs and reports
25. Run BDLS to change logical system
Sap Basis Job Description
Appendix:- Generating a solution manager key
o Logon to any solution manager system
o Transaction SMSY
o Click the Other Object…
o In the System field, type in QAS
o Click the Generate Installation/Upgrade Key
o Verify the information is correct and click on Generate Key
o Copy the Installation/Upgrade Key for use in step 6-w
- The target system is installed using the exports from the source system - On the SAPinst screen SAP SystemDatabase make sure to select Homogeneous System Copy (MS SQL Server-specific: Detach/Attach or Backup).
- For more information about the system copy procedure, see also SAP Notes 193816 and 151603.
- With SQL Server, you can use backup images across the platforms I386, IA64, x64. That is, you can make a backup on one type of platform and use it on another type.
- You can only attach SQL Server 2000 files to SQL Server 2005 but not vice versa.
In this topic, we described about the below sections -
- Copy Client
Existing clients can be copied from local to remote system and vice versa. SAP has 3 client copy methods which are specified below -
- Local client copy -- to perform client copies inside same instance.
- Remote client copy -- to copy client between different SAP instances. Remote client copies the data immediately across the network using RFCs.
- Client export / import -- to perform client copies between different SAP instances.
Client copy tools copy the user’s data, cross client customizing, application data and client dependant customizing. The ABAP dictionary objects like ABAP reports, table definitions etc are not handled by the client copy tools and these objects can be transported through transport requests.
Pre-requisites Local Client Copy -
- Lock all the users using TCODE: SM04 (By single user) / SU10 (Mass users) or AL08.
- Suspend all background process with TCODE: SE38, enter 'BTCTRNS1' and click the 'execute button'.
- For a local copy, the system must have enough space in the database or tablespace. Ex: using TCODE: DB02.
- rdisp/max_wprun_time parameter should be changed to greater than 1500 second as a SAP recommendation.
- To avoid inconsistencies during client copy users should not be allowed to work in source client.
Local Client Copy -
This procedure used to copy the client within the same instance. The transaction code used for local client copy is SCCL. Before we start copying, Create client with SCC4 transaction. In this case source client is 001 and target client is 047.
Step-1: Now login to 047 client with userid SAP*.
Step-2: Go to SCCL to open client copy screen.
Step-3: Select the Desired Profile, source client which planning to copy from the list.
Step-4: If the job is submitted direclty, the client copy is executed in a single process. If user want to distribute the workload on multiple processes to reduce the copying time.
Step-5: Set the maximum number of processes in the below window and click on save.
Step-6: Click on Schedule as Background Job button as the background process takes more time.
It shows the below warning. Click on Wizard to continue with the RFC setup.
Click on Continue.
Select Destination server from the list and click on continue.
Enter the username and password for the RFC client and click on continue.
Click on Complete to end the setup.
Click on Schedule background Job button once again and it navigates to the next schedule client background screen shown below.
Select the background server from the list if required and click on schedule job button.
Step-7: Verify the information on the below dialog box and click on continue to schedule a job. Message will appear in the dialog box.
Step-8: Once the above message appears, Go to SCC3 transaction to monitor log.
Step-9: Click on the job processing to check the status of the job.
Step-10: The status shown like below.
The client successfully copied once the job completed. The log will show complete information about the error if the job failed with an error.
Remote Client Copy -
This procedure used to copy the client between the different instance. The transaction code used for remote client copy is SCC9.
Step-1: Go to SCC9 to open client copy screen.
Sap System Copy
Step-2: Select the Desired Profile from the list, source destination(RFC system) to continue with copying.
Step-3: If the job is submitted direclty, the client copy is executed in a single process. If user want to distribute the workload on multiple processes to reduce the copying time.
Step-4: Set the maximum number of processes in the below window and click on save.
Step-5: Click on Schedule as Background Job button as the background process takes more time.
It shows the below warning. Click on Wizard to continue with the RFC setup.
Click on Continue.
Select Destination server from the list and click on continue.
Enter the username and password for the RFC client and click on continue.
Click on Complete to end the setup.
Click on Schedule background Job button once again and it navigates to the next schedule client background screen shown below.
Select the background server from the list if required and click on schedule job button.
Step-6: Verify the information on the below dialog box and click on continue to schedule a job. Message will appear in the dialog box.
Homogeneous System Copy In Sap Basis
Step-7: Once the above message appears, Go to SCC3 transaction to monitor log.
Step-8: Click on the job processing to check the status of the job.
Step-9: The status shown like below.
Sap Basis Administrator
The client successfully copied once the job completed. The log will show complete information about the error if the job failed with an error.
System Copy In Sap Basis Costing