Temse Consistency Check Background

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The TemSe consistency check checks the following table entries for all TemSe objects: Header entry in table TST01 (TemSe objects) Object associated with the header entry; it can be stored in the file system or in the database table TST03 (TemSe data of the object). The TemSe consistency check does not check the following entries: § Entries in table TSP01 (spool requests) § Entries in table TSP02, if output requests exist. However, as these entries are important for spool requests, the TemSe consistency check is not suitable as a consistency check. Along with deleting old spool requests, the spool consistency check is one of the most important functions for maintaining the SAP spool database. You should perform the spool consistency check regularly in the background. As the spool consistency check affects performance, you should schedule it either during the night or at the weekend. SAP ABAP Program RSTS0043 (Consistency Check: File System-TemSe, Table TST01 (with Deletion)) - SAP Datasheet - The Best Online SAP Object Repository. The TemSe consistency check checks the header entry in table TST01 and the corresponding object for ALL TemSe objects. The spool consistency check, for example, also checks the entries in tables TSP01 and TSP02, but only the spool objects are checked. For batch input logs. Both consistency checks are client-independent.

  1. Temse Consistency Check Background Template
  2. Temse Consistency Check Background Check
  3. Temse Consistency Check Background Image

Interview Q’s

  1. BTC Handles Long Running Jobs, The process can be executed without interaction
  2. BTC holds min 2 workprocess , maximum 512
    • Processing
    • Executing


Temse Consistency Check Background Template

Temse consistency check background template
  • rdisp/wp_no_btc = 2 to 512


Temse Consistency Check Background
  1. SAP Level
    • SM36 – Scheduling Background Jobs
    • SM37 – Monitoring Background Jobs
  2. Directory Level
  3. Database Level
    • TBTCT – Job Scheduling Table
    • TBTCS – Time Scheduling Table
  • For Every 60 Seconds runs SAPMSSYS Program and stored in DB scheduling tables.
  • Background job status from release to ready program is – SAPMSSYZF
  • Background job is every 60 seconds default time is – rdispbtctime=60sec, It stored in the default profile

Type Of Background Jobs

  1. Customizing Background Jobs
  2. Standard Background Jobs

SM36 – Scheduling Background Job (customizing)

  1. Job name: define the name assign to the user
    • Job name should start either z or y.
    • Maximum 32 characters are allowed in the name.
  2. Job class: class A, class B, class C
    • Class A: High priority
    • Class B: Medium priority
    • Class C: Low priority
  3. Exec. Target: In the target server field. Indicate whether to use system load balancing.
    • For the system to use system load balancing to automatically select the most efficient application server to use at the moment, leave this field empty
    • The use a particular application server to run the job, enter a specific target server
  4. Spool list recipient button: if spool request generate by this job is to be sent to someone as email, fax specify the email address choose the spool recipient

Background job steps

  1. Abad program: It is a standard program (or) customized program which will execute by variant.
    • Variant: It is a program selection criterion to provide the inputs during the runtime (or) execution of the program.
    • Variants are stored in the table is TVARV
    • We can create the variant from SE38
    • SA38 is only we can execute a program
    • SE38 is we can create, edit a program, changing attributes and documents for the program.
  2. External command: It is used for pre defined input by system administrator.
    • External commands are defined in SM49 (or) SM69
    • External commands & external program are executed by SAPXG program
  3. External program: It is used for direct command input by system administrator

Start Condition

  1. Immediate
  2. Date/time
  3. After job
  4. After event
  5. At operation mode
  6. At Factory Calendar

SM37 – Monitoring Background Jobs

Temse consistency check background template
  1. Scheduled: Whenever job is defined in that time job status scheduled.
  2. Released: Whenever we specify date & time to schedule job.
  3. Ready: When the time is elapsed.
  4. Active: Job status is running.
  5. Finished: All the job steps are complete successfully.
  6. Cancelled: There was an error and job has been terminated, as mentioned in the job log.

Background job is cancelled – Issues

  1. File system is not accessible.
  2. User id & password may be expired.
  3. Dependent job is may be failed.
  4. RFC connection is failed.
  5. Incorrect in puts.
  6. May be files corrupted at O.S level.
  7. Space issues in database level.
  8. Memory issues.
  9. Ora-arch director is may be full.
  10. Invalid file formats.

Standard background jobs (or) Housekeeping jobs

Temse consistency check background image

Temse Consistency Check Background Check

  2. SAP_ADS_SPOOL_CONSISTENCY_CHECK – Check Ads Spool Consistency
  3. SAP_BTC_TABLE_CONSISTENCY_CHECK – Check Batch Table Consistency
  4. SAP_CCMS_MONI_BATCH_DP – Job for Monitoring
  5. SAP_CHECK_ACTIVE_JOBS – Check Active Jobs
  6. SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_JOBSTATISTIC – Collect values for statistic
  7. SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_NONE_R3_STAT – None-R/3-Statistic-Kollektor
  8. SAP_COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFMONITOR – Performance-Collector
  9. SAP_DELETE_ORPHANED_IVARIS – Delete Orpaned Temp. Varients
  11. SAP_REORG_BATCHINPUT – Delete old batch input files
  12. SAP_REORG_JOBS – Delete old jobs
  13. SAP_REORG_JOBSTATISTIC – Delete old jobstatistic
  14. SAP_REORG_ORPHANED_JOBLOGS – Delete Orphaned Job Logs
  15. SAP_REORG_ORPHANED_TEMSE_FILES – Delete Orphaned Temse Files
  16. SAP_REORG_PRIPARAMS – Delete old print parameters
  17. SAP_REORG_SPOOL – Delete old spoolfiles
  18. SAP_REORG_XMILOG – Delete XML-Log
  19. SAP_SOAP_RUNTIME_MANAGEMENT – SOAP Runtime Management Jobs
  20. SAP_SOA_ARCHIVE_PLAN – Archive Messages
  21. SAP_SOA_DELETE_HISTORY – Delete history entries
  22. SAP_SOA_DELETE_MESSAGES – Delete messages
  23. SAP_SOA_TABLE_SWITCH – Delete by table switch
  25. SAP_UCON_MANAGEMENT – SAP unified connectivity jobs
  • BTCTRANS1 report – Suspend all the background jobs
  • BTCTRANS2 report – Resume all the background jobs
  • Analyze long running job – SE30

SM13 – Update Monitoring

SM14 – Program Administration

Operation Mode

Operation mode – Switching dialogue work process to background work process vice versa using operation mode.


RZ04 – monitor for the operation mode & instances. Create the operation modes and delete the operation modes.

SM63 – used time table for operation mode

RZ03 – is used to switch the operation mode.

Create operation mode

  • RZ04 – Maintain the operation modes.
  • SM63 – We assign time table for the operation mode.
  • Then assign the instance.

Delete Operation Mode

  • First delete the time table and save empty. Then operation mode using Rz04

Exceptional Operation Mode

  • We need extend the maintains +day, -day and date, we will do it

SAPMSSY2 – Operation modes switch automatically at the times defined in the time table.

SAPMSSY6 – No active operation modes

Operation Mode Screens


Temse Consistency Check Background Image

  1. Troubleshoot a background job running for long duration in sap
    • First of all identify the job that is long running and identify details like job class, workprocess that is executing the job
    • How to identify long running background jobs
    • Click on the job to view the display job screen. In the screen, click on job log to understand what is being performed by the job currently. This may give details like job is currently extracting some data packages or processing data packages etc
    • Identify the executing server and process id of the job from the step 1 and goto transaction SM50 of the respective executing server to view more details about the background job running.
    • Figure out the status of the job like On Hold or running from the process overview. If the job is On Hold, find out the reason for On Hold by examing the “Reason” column of SM50 transaction. Reason for On Hold could be due to CPIC/RFC/DEBUG/ENQ/PRIV/UPD etc.
    • Double click on the reason column for detailed information on the same and troubleshoot accordingly. If reason is RFC, check out which RFC it is referring to and cross check whether destination system is up or not and any other problems with that system.
    • If it is ENQ, check out any lock issues like lock overflow etc
    • If it is PRIV, check out for memory bottlenecks
    • If it is UPD, check out whether any update issues
    • If it is CPIC, check out for any network , gateway, message server and other communication problems
    • After performing step3, if you figure out job is not on Hold and it is in running state, then examine report column to identify what report/program is being executed by the job. Once you got the report/program details, figure whether it sap program or custom program and take actions accordingly.
    • Also examine Action and table columns in SM50 transaction of respective executing server to identify what is the action( roll in/roll out /Sequential read/Physical read/insert/update/delete etc) being carried out by the job currently and what is the table on which action is being carried out.
    • If it is sequential read, figure out the cost of that sequential etc and consider for indexing etc. If it is physical read, check out whether there are too many swaps and consider resizing buffers accordingly. If you observed delay is due to high roll in/roll out, identify reasons for the same and tune buffer/memory parameters accordingly.
    • Once you get the table details on which action is being carried out, figure out
      • How many records are existing in the table ?
      • Is this taking long time due to volume of records ?
      • Are there proper indexes on the table ?(If no proper index, consider index creation by taking help of DBA
      • Is the table having upto date statistics ? (If statistics are out of date,
      • consider updating statistics of that table)
    • Consider debugging the process in SM50 ( Program/Session -> Program -> Debugging ) to figureout the issue
    • Using ST05 or ST12, a trace can be taken for background job to figure out where exactly time is being consumed and to identify various cpu/memory bottlenecks or any buffer issues.
    • STAT/STAD transcation can be used to figure out what is the reason for high response time and actions can be taken accordingly
    • By taking help of ABAP er, even ABAP run time analysis can be done using SE30 transaction
  2. By following the above steps, you can pin point the issue and take actions accordingly to minimize runtime of long running background jobs.

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