Where Do Tadpoles in the Pawn Shop Come From? From a frog pawned Double Cross 1. Extra drumsticks 2. A coat of arms What Did They Say About the Man Who Drank Shellac? He had a lovely finish Why Didn't Klutz Do Any Homework On Saturday? He was in a weekend condition. Week of February 13 to February 17. Marcy spends half her time trying to do research on the Calamity Box so that she, Anne and Sasha can return home. Marcy and Anne come to accept that Sasha looked down on them, but they still want to reunite with her. Marcy ultimately has to stay in Newtopia while Anne and the Plantars return to Wartwood to retrieve the Calamity Box. Where Tadpoles in the Pawn Shop ome Fro aoooloooooooooo k 2k. C: z: What Did the Girl Melon Say When the Boy Melon Proposed Marriage? Cd x oooooooa b n. Lul Do nv Home ork on Saturday? Why Does Cyrc Never Never, Ever Bet Even Numberse aba ) 'aha.
Day to Day5/26posted May 26, 2017, 9:34 AM by Nahla Seikali5/24 & 5/25posted May 24, 2017, 8:44 AM by Nahla Seikali5/23posted May 24, 2017, 8:43 AM by Nahla Seikali
5/22posted May 22, 2017, 3:25 PM by Nahla Seikali
5/17 & 5/18posted May 19, 2017, 7:44 AM by Nahla Seikali
| Attachments: Practice 9-1 Part 2 and 9-2.pdf 5/16posted May 16, 2017, 9:42 AM by Nahla Seikali5/12posted May 15, 2017, 2:27 PM by Nahla Seikali
5/10 & 5/11posted May 11, 2017, 10:27 AM by Nahla Seikali
5/9posted May 9, 2017, 1:35 PM by Nahla Seikali5/3 & 5/4posted May 3, 2017, 9:47 AM by Nahla Seikali [ updated May 4, 2017, 1:07 PM]

Work page for Math 10
Where Do Tadpoles In The Pawn Shop Come From
Date | Work |
Nov 14 | Work Sheet # 488271 to 9.Show your work on a separate sheet of paper. |
Nov 16 | Drawing assignment: Lines and creativity handout “How you should study for this test” ASSIGNMENT. Parents signature required. |
Nov 22 | P114#1ab, 2ab, 3ab, 4ab, 5ab, 6ab, 7abDuring class time 1.Handout: Algebra with Pizzazz p161 and 162.“What were the deadlines after a mad scientist trained two eggs to attack a candy store with sharp sticks?”Do Number 1 to 6. |
Nov 23 | 1.Today’s lesson is solving a system of two equations.Handout: Algebra with Pizzazz p161 and 162.“What were the deadlines after a mad scientist trained two eggs to attack a candy store with sharp sticks?”7 to 9 and solve the puzzle. 2.3.1 p121 #4, 5 with graphing calc. and # 1, 2, 3.ß In class time for this. |
Nov 27 | Corrections to the last test assignment.Parents signature required. |
Nov 28 | Algebra with Pizzazz: p 163 “Why does the president put vegetables in his blender?” Solve the system by substitution. |
Nov 29 | 3.2 p129 #1a, 2a, 4a, 11abc, 7ß When finished graph the system by hand or using graphmatica or using the graphing calculator.Use proper labels and scales and titles. |
Dec 1 | p164 # 1 to 9, from Algebra with Pizzazz. “What do you call it when someone pays back a loan quickly?” Solve by elimination. |
Monday Dec 4 | 1.Work:p164 from Algebra with Pizzazz.“ What do you call it when someone pays back a loan quickly?” #10 to #12 as the warm up 2.Algebra with Pizzazz p 165 “What kind of shoes does a frog wear?”# 1 to 12. |
Tuesday Dec 5 | Algebra with Pizzazz p 165 “What kind of shoes does a frog wear?”# 1 to 12. |
Wednesday Dec 6 | Finish the handout on Applications and do 3.4 p1432ab. 3, 4, 5, 7, 8. |
Changed in class to Algebra with Pizzazz sheet.Do number 1 to 12. P167 “Did you hear about…” | |
Friday Dec 8 | Hand in3.4 p143, 2ab. 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 for a bonus on the quest. |
Monday Dec 11 | Quest Day. |
Tuesday Dec 12 | Work:5.6 p254 # 1, 2, 3 |
Wednesday Dec 13 | Wednesday’s 5.6 p2545, 6ab, 9 |
Thursday Dec 14 | Thursday’s5.6 p25411, 12, 13 abc 5.7 p2591abc, 2abc, 3, 6, 7, 10. |
Friday Dec 15 | 5.9 p2681, 2, 3abc, 4abc, 5ab for i and ii,9, 10 |
Monday Dec 18 | Do all of the questions on the Algebra with Pizzazz work sheet p227 “What did Mrs. Margarine think about her sister’s husband?” and p228 “What did the prince do whenever he found a girl who might be Cinderella?”.Do the corrections on the QUEST and hand in tomorrow. |
Tuesday Dec 19 | Algebra with Pizzazz p229, “What do they call the big grass field on an orbiting satalite?” and p 230, “Daffynition decoder”, sheets. Quiz on Thursday on Trig. |
Wednesday Dec 20 | Work:5.9 p270# 13, 14, 15 5.10 p 274 # 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 |
Thursday Dec 21 | Quiz on trig. |
Friday Dec 22 | Happy Holidays. |
Welcome back | |
Investigation p 305 on the step pattern. p 78 Alg with Pizzazz “Why was the engineer driving the train backwards?” | |
6.1 p 309 # 1, 2, 3 p 80 Alg with Pizzazz “Where do tadpoles in the pawn shop come form?” | |
Review concepts and do p 82 Alg with Pizzazz “What did they say about the man who drank shellac?” | |
Thur | Consider the examples one to four on page 374 section 7.6 . Work on 7.6 p 376 # 1, 2, 3abc, 5, 6. |

Where Do Tadpoles In The Pawnshop Come From
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