Tera Term Pro Serial Port

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TeraTera term pro serial portal

To communicate with the RS9116 EVK, the terminal program should be configured to COM parameters 115200 8N1, local echo should be enabled and New-line characters should be set to CR+LF. The steps below show how perform this setup using Tera Term. The procedure may differ for other terminal programs.

Use the serial setup and set the serial port parameters to 9600 bps (baud rate), 8 data bits, none parity, one stop bit and none handshaking (9600, N, 8, 1). Please note that Tera Term works also very well as RS-232 terminal emulator. When serial port is specified with with /C= option and the port does not exist, Tera Term will wait for port connection.

  1. TeraTerm Pro Web 3.1.3 - Enhanced Telnet/SSH2 Client TeraTerm Pro Web is the next generation tool for connecting with remote Telnet and SSH hosts. It is built based on the extremely popular open-source TeraTerm product put out by T. Teranishi in 1999 (click here for original site).
  2. TeraTerm Pro Web 3.1.3 - Enhanced Telnet/SSH2 Client TeraTerm Pro Web is the next generation tool for connecting with remote Telnet and SSH hosts. It is built based on the extremely popular open-source TeraTerm product put out by T. Teranishi in 1999 (click here for original site).

STEP 1. Open Tera Term and bring up the New Connection dialog using the menu option File -> New Connection. Select the COM port that matches the EVK.

STEP 2. Open the Terminal setup dialog using the menu option Setup -> Terminal... then configure the Receive and Transmit New-line characters to CR+LF and enable Local echo.

STEP 3. Open the Serial port setup and connection dialog using the menu option Setup -> Serial port... then configure the serial port parameters.

Note! Tera Term settings can be saved by selecting the menu option Setup -> Save setup.... If the default file teraterm.ini is used, the configured settings will be restored each time Tera Term is opened.


Tera Term Pro Serial Ports

2019.08.31 (Ver 4.104)

  • Changes
    • The Disabling text selection when the window is activated by mouse configuration can be set up on the Additional settings dialog.
    • The environment variable included in directory for file transfers becomes to be expanded.
    • Unspecified string font in IME uses your defined font.
    • Added help button on Additional settings dialog.
    • MARCO: The fileopen command does not cause an error when a file can not be opened. Reverted changes in 4.102.
    • MACRO: When filetruncate command does not cause an error when a file can not be opened, or file size can not be changed.
  • Bug fixes
    • When UTF-8 characters received, 4-byte UTF-8 characters are miss-decoded.
    • When the Active Window Tracking is enabled, mouse cursor won't be active in Tera Term window. This bug was introduced in 4.103.
    • The session number of window title is always 1. This bug was introduced in 4.103.
    • When the font selection dialog is used while undetermined characters of IME are displayed , the font ot IME always is changed.
    • When the locale setting is default(japanese) or invalid on English version of Windows, an application fault immediately occurs after starting Tera Term.
    • A big file can not send by using [File]/[Send file..]. This bug was introduced in 4.103.
    • Cancel printing dialog can not be shown. This bug was introduced in 4.103.
    • The plugin compiled before 4.103 can not called because the DLL's calling convention is changed in Tera Term 4.103.
    • MACRO: listbox command can not adjust the width of list according to the window size. This bug was introduced in 4.103.
    • MACRO: filecopy command may not store the result to result system variable.
    • MACRO: filelock and fileunlock command always fail. This bug was introduced in 4.101.
    • MACRO: When the first byte of the file is matched by using filestrseek2 command, the file pointer is invalid. This bug was introduced in 4.101.
  • Misc
    • upgraded TTSSH to 2.90.
    • upgraded TTProxy to
    • upgraded Oniguruma to 6.9.3.


2019.08.31 (Ver 2.90)

  • Bug fixes
    • SSH2: When SSH communication is slow by using port forwarding, an application fault is occurred due to increase memory consumption.
    • SSH2: When SCP transfer dialog is closed, the directory of file transfer setting and the SCP destination path setting may not be updated.
    • SSH2: When SCP transfer is started on Windows 95/98/Me, an application fault occurs.
    • SSH1: When the destination port number is other than 22, an application fault may be occurred after the host key is newly written to known_hosts file.
    • SSH1: The rhosts authentication could not be performed at all.


Tera Term Pro 2.3 Download

2019.08.31 (Ver

Tera Term Pro Software

  • Changes
    • When the negotiation is failed with SOCKS4 and 5, an error information is added to message.
  • Bug fixes
    • Bug fix: Depending on OS, setup dialog is not working correctly. This bug was introduced in 4.103.
    • Bug fix: When the hostname setting is domain, IPv6 and IPv4 fallback does not work well. And also, when you can not connect to the proxy server, Connection refused dialog is shown three times in a row.
    • Bug fix: When data can not receive from SOCKS server during negotiation with SOCKS4 and 5, the data may not be handled as an error.

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